Friday, November 9, 2012


This time of year is filled with the hustle and bustle of the holidays.  We have a tendency to move so fast, buying, preparing, consuming...Stressing....That we lose the spirit of this time of year.  I would love, this year, to slow down, ponder more, and really find that spirit within myself.  For me, that means, keeping the holidays simple--less consumer driven.  For me, that means putting on some great music, and sipping some tea,  while I prepare some dishes to contribute to Thanksgiving dinner, rather than stressing and rushing, at the last minute, to throw it all together.  It means, making most gifts by hand--it slows me down, takes away that consumer mind-set, and makes giving so much more meaningful.  It means making time to sit quietly, with my thoughts, so I can realize all that I have and all that I am grateful for.

Here is a little response to some quiet time I had this morning:


I pause for a moment...

quiet; hushed.

Silence is an amazing force--
my mind to floods with thoughts.

I think of my home and family;
the warmth of these things.

My fascination with nature;
I indulge in it everyday.

My two hands;
Sometimes shaky, 
but always reliant.

I think of my simple life;
the simple pleasures that it brings.

I think of my values;
with old fashioned,
comes a strong moral compass.

How blessed I am,
to have all that I do.

I am at peace;
I am grateful.

Whitney, owner and operator of Maple Street Paper Company and author of the Supporting-Artists Blog is doing a wonderful series, that inspired me to think more about being grateful.
Andrea, Captain of the Supporting-Artists team on etsy, inspired this collection on Etsy:

'Grateful, For Each And Every Day' by mollysm130


Sparrow. Bird Art-sepia...

Digital Print Grateful ...

Autumn Leaf Pottery Vin...

Masala Chai Black Tea ....

Miniature natural house...

Rumpled Hearts, Fingerl...

Autumn Harvest Tuscan B...

Leave An Acorn When You...

3D shadow box frame -A ...

barn owl necklace- wood...

Vintage 80s Silk Shirt ...

Autumn Grey Brown Artis...

Poster Silence Please i...

mini clothes pins metal...

minimalistic bell flowe...

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I just listed a new item today, and normally I don't blog about this...I do it every day...But this time it's special, because it means YOU get to save some money :)  This offer is a really great way to pick out cards for upcoming events, or to create a unique stationery set for yourself or for a gift.  Go have a look see, and pick out the perfect cards for you!!