Sunday, June 23, 2013

Binging While He's Away: Project Inspiration

I normally never really talk about, or even think to identify with the role of military wife...But the truth is I am one.  My husband is in the National Guard--now you're laughing and saying pshh, one weekend a month, so what?  Well, it's more than that...Theres 2 weeks ever year, there's month long required training from time to time..and yes, there are even deployments that can last a year (so far I have not experienced one of these, but I'm sure the time will come).  My husband is currently away on his longest stint since we have been married (1 month).  I must say, its been quite the ride.  The emotions alone have been enough--at first I was sad in an aching sort of way, then there was the longing, the loneliness, the lacking of adult companionship....blah, blah blah...sob story, right? Well, I quickly learned to embrace those feelings, and let the tears come when they wanted.  I let myself vegetate for the first couple of days, but quickly realized time was nearly standing still.  

I decided it was time to fill up my life with what I do best: Projects.  Since the end of May, I have begun many projects, finished some, still need to continue with others....I've deep-cleaned, made books, knitted, knitted some more, and some more, planned a little something for my husband's return, and made a date night jar....

Today was about that jar--I gathered my supplies at the beginning of June, during a contemplative moment about our relationship....I realized that the time we have together is precious, and we need to motivate to make the alone time we have with one another more meaningful and fresh. 

With a six year old, work, and school, this is rather difficult--most of the time we just want to sit and waste time when we have it.  Which is completely understandable--we are exhausted, and it's just EASY.  ...but easy is not always, I decided to do the thinking for us when I was in this mushy mood, and came up with a list of date ideas and split them into three categories: Cheap n Easy, Out-On-the-Town, and Splurge.  Then, I let it sit..until today, at the end of June.  

Last night my husband asked if the jar was done and I told him no.  He gave me that little nudge I needed, and I got down to business this morning, after my mom picked up my daughter.

I used a sponge to color code the ends.
And, of course, I looked at the rather large sponge I was using, one end saturated with color, thinking I can't just rinse all that pigment out, so I went and got some paper, to apply the excess paint to.

Then I wrote on the sticks with my trusty bic pen
here's a little sample...There are tons of date ideas on the internet..Just look on Pinterest.
Now we have weeks worth of date ideas already decided upon--making date night a bit easier and fun :)
And, with the excess paint on my palette, I decided to add some more to my "scrap paper" side-project.  This will probably sit, untouched for some time, but maybe one day it will be finished.
Of course, I couldn't just have a plain jar--how boring would that be? So, I got out my mod podge and went to work.
Here it is, all prettied up..another project finished.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A few notes on Cooking/ Blog Hop

I love to cook...It's meditative and relaxing--I'm pretty sure I could just stand, stirring a pan or pot of whatever, watching the ingredients change and morph in texture and aroma for hours....but then the dish would just be bland, so I restrain myself.

I often turn to my trusty I-pad apps for recipes and inspiration, but I also have cookbooks and my trusty recipe box, which probably holds the most sentimental value for me.  Many of the recipes I have are from the family, so when I cook using them I think of where they came from and what the food tasted like when it was cooked by my Nana and my Mom.

For a creative challenge, on the Supporting Artists Team on etsy, participants were asked to create a recipe card to share.  This task was harder than I thought--I wanted to create a recipe card that was functional (of course), but also unique, attractive, and food-related--I wanted the card to be something that would bring a little extra joy to the kitchen and cooking experience.
Here is what I came up with:

If you're looking for a letter, my Blog Hop Letter is  O

To go along with this post, I have also decided to post a recipe I used right before I decided on the design I wanted to use for the recipe card.  The recipe is not mine, so here is credit, where credit is due. I found it on  It was perfect, because the creator of the recipe is also from New Jersey, and she used FRESH Jersey Tomatoes to make it. Yummmm.  

Click this link for a tasty experience: 

Oh, and did I mention, I made grilled cheese to go with it?  I forgot too, until it was completely devoured.  If you'd like to see my take on how to make the perfect grilled cheese, check out this blog post: The Art of Grilled Cheese 

Oh, and that reminds me: don't forget to dip the sandwich in the's amazing.