Friday, April 20, 2012

Dear Etsy, I'm BORED

Dear Etsy,

You are really starting to bore me.  Your "front page" treasuries are generally repetitive in nature and theme, but now you have stooped to a whole new low:  I have seen multiple items over and over again, featured in various front page treasuries, in a single day....C'mon now...with "over 800,000 sellers" you can't find a treasury good enough for the front page, to match up with your ongoing theme of the day/week/etc?  When I go to etsy's front page I don't want to see the same things....and really, maybe, I don't want to see "etsy brand" every time.  All of the treasuries have the same feel to them.  I get that to be "front page" material, treasuries need to be eye catching, but there is certainly more than one way to be eye-catching.  I have seen it myself while browsing through treasuries.....for a group of creative people, which etsy touts itself to be, you are certainly very much in the box.  Please, please, PLEASE, try to step out of your box, stop showing me the same items over and over again, and try to be more inclusive of different "eye catching" design ideas.


* I must note that I generally LOVE etsy, although it has its faults (inducing boredom at times is one of them).

1 comment:

gspi said...

Weird! I was thinking the exact same thing!!! It's always the same type of items featured and have you noticed these items are almost always photographed in the same way~ with a white background. I know it looks good for the product sometimes, but it starts tricking the eye into thinking it's the same item, but it's not. There are so many creative and lovely treasuries out there and they never see the light of day! :(