Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Keeping my Promise

see molly...
see molly eat breakfast...

Just to prove that I have been attempting to keep true to my word in regards to eating breakfast, I took some pictures.  Breakfast today consisted of some store-bought "organic" (what that REALLY means, I don't know) granola, blackberries and raspberries purchased by Daddy and Le Foo to cover in chocolate for mama for V-day, and some "organic"(again, not clear on the definition, since in my opinion organic=political issues, not eating habit issues) french vanilla yogurt.  Le Foo had requested yogurt and granola about a week ago, and has only eaten it twice.  I'm concerned that the yogurt will be going bad soon, so, although I banned daddy from touching the granola (it would be gone in a few days if I let him at it, since servings mean NOTHING to him), I snuck some this morning. :)  I used to make sure we had a supply of homemade granola, but have not made it lately.  I think I need to do that for daddy, since he resisted the granola temptation, saving it for Le Foo.

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